AAFHA Archives: 2024 |
For over 20 years, AAFHA has been remembering and honoring the history of WWII aviation. We paticipate in public forums and airshows like MAAM WWII Weekend in Reading PA, Open House Airshows at McGuire AFB, and our "Hometown" Airshow at the Greenwood Lake Airport. We march in the Riveredge July 4th Parade and the SGt. John Basilone Parade in Raritan, NJ, and participate in local Pearl Harbor Commemorations. Our private member only events include our Annual Dinner Dance and Picatinny Luncheon. More recently the AAFHA Squadronaires WWII Revue have been performing for Veteran, seniors and historical societies at various venues throughout the Tri-state area. Here are some photo albums from our long and distinguished history! From the most recent to our ancient past, scroll down the history of the Army Air Forces Historical Society! To see our upcoming show schedule, and photos from our MOST RECENT events go to our Mission Schedule page.
UPCOMING: September 22, 2024: John Basilone Memorial Parade, Raritan, NJ, 1 PM (Tentative)
August 10, 2024: Victory Day on the USS New Jersey, Camden, NJ: 10AM-4PM
July 4, 2024: River Edge July 4 Parade, River Edge, NJ
June 22, 23, 2024: Red Mill Museum Village, Military Heritage Weekend
A small squadron of AAFHA members attended the Red Mill Museum Village's Salute to Service event in Clinton NJ during a hot and sweltering weather weekend. A severe summer storm blew through Saturday night, partially flooding the pavilion where we set up. Our display was augmented by the AAFHA Squadronaires Command Performance by Dawn O'Day on both days.
June 14, 15, 16, 2024: Greenwood Lake Airshow, West Milford, NJ. Full Display
AAFHA spent 3 fun filled days at the Greenwood Lake Airshow, although Friday night was cancelled when a tremendous storm with high winds, rain and hail blew through between 5 and 8 PM. Saturday and Sunday were perfect weather wise and the two nighttime airshows and pyrotechnics and firework displays were SPECTACULAR!!!!
June 7, 8, 9, 2024: Mid Atlantic Air Museum WWII Weekend, Reading, PA. Tentative
small squadron participation
May 25, 26, 2024: FDR Library and Museum WWII Weekend, Hyde Park, NY,
small squadron participation
March 24, 2024: Annual Luncheon/Dinner/Meeting at Portabello's Restaurant,
Oakland NJ, Invitation only.
2024 got off to a great start with our annual Luncheon/Dinner planning meeting. We also celebrated our 31st year as a dedicated organization. Remember, Respect, and Honor......
Photos below by Paul Martin, click on each to enlarge.