AAFHA Archives: 2023 |
Back in full force for 2023 with AAFHA again participating in various scheduled events. Click on the first photo from each gallery to view in full size!
December 7, 2023: Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance and Commemoration
New York City
August, 12, 2023: Victory Day USS New Jersey, Camden, NJ,
Ward Room Display
Photos below by Len Komar: Click on each to enlarge.
Below: Len's F150 next to a 16" gun barrel from the USS New Jersey. Photo by Len Komar
Photos below by Kelly Komar: Click on each to enlarge.
Photos below by Paul Martin: Click on each to enlarge.
July 4, 2023: River Edge July 4 Parade, River Edge, NJ
AAFHA was once again asked to participate in the River Edge 4th of July Parade.
Photos below by Len Komar: Click on each to enlarge.
June 17, 2023: 5th Bomb Squadron Memorial Dedication, Bellerose, Queens, NY
AAFHA was honored to participate in the 5th Bomb Squadron Memorial Dedication. Huge commendation to Jim Buccellato and American Legion Post 103 for initiating and completing the 5th Bomb Squadron Memorial at the corner of 239th Street and Hillside Avenue in Bellerose Queens on June 17. A fantastic ceremony held on a beautiful June Sunday completed the project. Close to 50 family members of the fallen airmen and one civilian came to the site for the dedication ceremony. Alyssa Martin sung the NA and Jim's daughter and son in law Krista and Adam sung "I'll remember You" by the D-Day Darlings and "America the Beautiful" I gave the keynote historical address and a brief walking tour of the crash sites for the families. An incredible reception at the old MF Officer's Club took place following the ceremony with songs by Alyssa and Krista and Adam's, Creedence Clearwater Remix. Members of American Legion Post 103, our Army Air Forces Historical Association, active duty military and 100's of general public also attended the ceremony. What an incredible day. Remember, Respect and Honor!
Above: AAFHA Members at the Mitchel Field Officers Club.
Photos below by Paul Martin: Click on each to enlarge.
1. Welcome, Introduction and Invocation.
AL 103, Committee Chairman, Jim Buccellato. 7:33 |
2. Pledge of Allegiance, Jim Buccellato.
National Anthem, AAFHA's Alyssa Martin 3:15 |
3. Keynote Historical Address.
AAFHA, and SAL Sq. 1009 member, Paul R. Martin III 22:25 |
4. Monument creation remarks.
Jim Buccella 15:42 |
5. Street sign unveiling. Monument Dedication and Flag raising, Jim Buccellato. Taps, "I'll Remember You", Adam and Krista. 10:19
6. Thank Yous, Conclusion, Jim Buccellato.
"America the Beautiful" Adam and Krista: 4:44 |
An incredible reception at the old MF Officer's Club took place following the ceremony with songs by Alyssa and Krista and Adam's, Creedence Clearwater Remix. Members of American Legion Post 103, our Army Air Forces Historical Association, active duty military and 100's of general public also attended the ceremony. What an incredible day. Remember, Respect and Honor!
Alyssa Martin performing as Dawn O'Day performing at the Mitchel Field Officers Club.
Part 1. 14:23
Part 2. 14:35
Creedence Clearwater Remix performing at the Mitchel Field Officers Club.
Part 1. 16:57
Part 2. 15:22
Part 3. 18:10
June 9, 10, 11, 2023: Greenwood Lake Airshow, West Milford, NJ. Full Display
AAFHA was on hand again for the 14th Anniversary of the Greenwood Lake Airshow, our "Hometown" show, where we have displayed since the very first GWL show in 2009. We had our extensive Army Air Forces Uniform and equipment display including Homefront, USO, Medals, WWII Bicycles and other exciting original artifacts. Our 1937 Coca Cola porch-cooler were also be on hand for an ice-cold nickel coke in a glass bottle for a small donation to AAFHA. Our AAFHA Squadronaires Command Performance WWII Musical Review performed on the AAFHA Stage, with songstress Dawn O'Day singing the National Anthem and full sets of 1940s songs and melodies, interspersed with comedy skits and banter by Bob Hope and Col. Parisi. WWII veterans, WWII and other era aircraft, military re-enactors and displays, rounded out the event. The climactic, exciting and spectacular NIGHT SHOW, with awe-inspiring aircraft aerobatics, lights and pyrotechnics lighting up the northern New Jersey sky brought a fitting FINALE to a fantastic show!
Photos below by Paul Martin: Click on each to enlarge.
June 2, 3, 4, 2023: Mid Atlantic Air Museum WWII Weekend, Reading, PA.
Small squadron participation, with the National Anthem and musical performances by our own Alyssa Martin as Dawn O'Day
Most photos by Linda case and Paul Martin. Click on each photo to enlarge.
AAFHA member Alyssa Martin has been performing as Dawn O'Day at Reading for more than 10 years. She was asked to sing the National Anthem this year. Here are some videos of her performances.
National Anthem and God Bless America |
Somewhere Over the Rainbow |
With Frank Cubillo, Lets get Away from it All and You Can't Take that Away from Me
May 27, 28, 2023: FDR Library and Museum WWII Weekend, Hyde Park, NY
Small squadron participation
Small squadron participation, with the National Anthem and musical performances by our own Alyssa Martin as Dawn O'Day
Most photos by Paul Martin. Click on each photo to enlarge.
May 20, 21, 2023: Power in the Pines Airshow, McGuire AFB, NJ,
We were honored to bring our display again to McGuire AFB for the bi-annual Power in the Pines Airshow, the first one scheduled since 2018. (2020 cancelled because of covid) Hundreds of visitors toured our diaplay tables manned (and Womanned) by 7 of AAFHA's finest Living Historians! There’s nothing more exciting than the roar of supersonic jets overhead and Power in the Pines delivered an exhilarating showcase of both military and civilian air power. Coupled with a plethora of ground displays, exhibits, concessions and live entertainment. ‘Power in the Pines’ featured aerial performances by the U.S. Air Force F-22 Demonstration Team, The Thunderbirds, the Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Demonstration Team, the U.S. Army Parachute Team, The Golden Knights, and flyovers by military and civilian aircraft and a P-51 Mustang and B-25 Mitchell Bomber

CAP 2023 NJ Wing Conference & Banquet on April 22, 2023.
AAFHA-The Buchanan Project was honored to participate in the CAP 2023 NJ Wing Conference & Banquet on April 22, 2023.
Wayne Placek, Al Parisi, and Chris Hartney presented their Living History first person perspective of Medal of Honor Recipient Thomas B. McGuire's life and military career. TBP also staffed a static presentation where cadets and guests could ask more in-depth questions. Making this event so poignant was that the host Civil Air Patrol Squadron’s name honors McGuire, as does their base; Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst. This particular mission by The Buchanan Project also served as "recon" for the highly anticipated return of AAFHA’s a full contingent in the main hanger for Power in the Pines, May 19-21, 2023. The group also had the wonderful opportunity to visit the newly renovate USO Center at the Base. Even with the short 30 hours on base, we managed to explore the new passenger terminal that's been completely renovated. Hundreds of model planes, really cool squadron ( 305th) history flip books, and cases of memorabilia. Eventually 2 security guards walked out to greet us after what must have been 15 minutes of laughing and wondering. We then talked base history with them for another 20 minutes Click on the photos below to enlarge. |
April 1, 2, 2023: Red Mill Museum Village, Military Heritage Weekend,
For the second year a small contingent of AFFHA members participated in the Red Mill Military Timeline Weekend. We had a great time and met some wonderful new friends, and reunited with some old friends too.
Photos above and below by Paul Martin: Click on each to enlarge.
March 26, 2023: Annual Luncheon/Dinner at Portabello's Restaurant,
Oakland NJ, Invitation only.
2023 got off to a great start with our annual Luncheon/Dinner planning meeting. We also celebrated our 30th year as a dedicated organization. Remember, Respect, and Honor......
Photos above and below by Paul Martin: Click on each to enlarge.
We celebrated out 30th Anniversary, Col. Hartz, Col. Parisi and General Placek performed the Buchanan Project: The Story of Pacific Ace, Major Thomas B. McGuire. Alyssa performed some wonderful renditions of WWII songs as Dawn O'Day.
Photos above and below by Paul Martin: Click on each to enlarge.
For over 20 years, AAFHA has been remembering and honoring the history of WWII aviation. We paticipate in public forums and airshows like MAAM WWII Weekend in Reading PA, Open House Airshows at McGuire AFB, and our "Hometown" Airshow at the Greenwood Lake Airport. We march in the Riveredge July 4th Parade and the Sgt. John Basilone Parade in Raritan, NJ, and participate in local Pearl Harbor Commemorations. Our private member only events include our Annual Dinner Dance and Picatinny Luncheon.